2019 already? Here we go….

Hello everyone, or just you, whomever (whoever) is reading this.  I can not believe it is 2019 already, wasn’t it just 2018 a few days ago when I was shredding my papers?  Yes we all know, time flies etc.. but man, does it ever with every passing year.


So, for 2018 I did end up finishing my shredding.  It took a very long time and a number of trips to my composter, but it is done!  I now just have a small basket to keep up with about once a month or so.  I was thinking about having a company come out, but decided to just suck it up and save the money.  Which brings me to this year ,2019, and my new mantra “save the money”.  Not that I am against shopping, but I am mostly a “smarter” shopper now.  As for January this year, I have decided I will not buy anything extra, no clothes, stamp stuff, craft supplies etc.  Just the basic home necessities, like food and household items (soap and toothpaste).   After having cleaned up half my house, I found I have a lot of stuff to use up or get rid of.  I have several boxes and bags ready to go and after looking at that sitting in my hallway for 3 months, I am a little lazy about that I admit, I think “why would I buy anything else”?  So much clutter.  And craft supplies. And storage boxes.  I like storage almost as much as crafting, but that should not be the case,  unless I live out my dream and start helping other people with storage as a new career.

I did make some cards yesterday, inspired by Cathy Zielske, using what I have.  Here is a picture or two:




Also, for 2019 all my cards are going to be stamped with a sentiment on the inside, I am no longer going to leave them blank ’til the end.  It is always a mad rush when I need to send a card and find it is blank on the inside, then it usually gets stamped crooked because of my haste to mail it.  Does that happen to anyone else?

Happy New Year!

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